Friday, October 5, 2012

Padre Island National Seashore - North Padre Island

“Come sleep on the beach
Keep within my reach"
- P. Townshend
Last night, I camped south of Malaquite Beach on remote North Padre Island. This is the same beach where I witnessed A Bioluminescent Sea, or Red Tide, some 40 years ago. How can one experience such a surreal night and not be affected by it forever?    Magic!

Even though the beach has become more littered by the debris of modern life washed in from the gulf over the years; the magic of the beach and the island is still there. To a certain degree, I have learned to look beyond the litter. Some things are beyond our ability to control. One must seek beauty where you find it.

“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
– R. Niebuhr

Malaquite Beach

Laguna Madre Sunset

Evening sky over Laguna Madre

White Tail doe

Sunrise over the gulf

Pelicans fishing over the gulf

Storm over the bay

Laguna Madre Rainbow

"Oh God, I need a drink
of cool, cool rain. . . . . . .
Love, reign o'er me.  Rain on me"  P. Townshend

I must try to remember. . . seek beauty where you find it.

Bio luminescent Sea -

Padre Island National Seashore -

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