Saturday, June 28, 2014

The Lost Menehune of Matagorda Island

Polynesian legend has it that a race of men once inhabited the islands of Hawaii.  This was long before the second migration that brought the Polynesians to the islands.  These people were known as the Menehune.  It is said that they were a diminutive race.  However, no one living today can be sure if that term was an indication of physical stature or of social status.  All that can be said for sure is the Hawiian legends say the Menehune disappeared from the islands shortly after the Polynesians arrived.  None of the tales mention where the Menehune may have gone to make their new home.

In the Gulf of Mexico, along the coastal bend of Texas, lies the isolated island of Matagorda.  There is no public means of accessing the island other than by private boat.  It is this remoteness that provides the protection of the island’s natural beauty and resources.   Perhaps these characteristics would make Matagorda Island an ideal candidate for colonization by a diminutive race of men.

Folk art wood carvings by Amate.